Loving the time change ... a whole extra hour alone in the morning when everybody else is using their external alarm clocks ... I'm still using my internal one .... coffee in the stillness of the morning ... before the rush of the day .... ALONE ... aaaah, reason to rejoice!
Photo: Orange Marmalade Sunrise by Mrs. Mac 2009
Ahhh, Mrs. Mac...another lovely photo
and Orange Marmalade Sunrise is the perfect name for it!
I too, enjoy ALONE time.
Rejoice...He makes all things new!
What a beautiful sunrise...I am always sleeping through it, I think I miss the best part of the day!
I posted a different take on the same sunrise ... just getting creative.
i have rarely seen a sunrise on any blogs ...very few...and this one is exceptional, mrs.mac!
when you were in british columbia did you take note as to how beautiful the sunsets were?
I too am enjoying the extra quiet time in the mornings. I hope to be able to get up early all thru the Winter,just for quiet, alone time with the Lord. Beautiful pictures.
Now you've gone and done it! I want toast with cream cheese and orange marmalade for breakfast! Only, I don't have any! Wow that really is sounding better and better the more I think of it!
what a beautiful picture! I love some alone time too!
Lovely sunrise.
When I worked night shifts, sunrise was the magic moment of the day.
Birds coming to life, hedgehogs going to bed and the odd deerling standing like a statue between the houses.
With my weird sleep pattern I till see the sunrise now and then. (Mostly rain this autumn.)
The purity of a brand new day still amazes me.
And some sunny day we'll all awake to a new, shining morning.
It's almost to good to be true, but that is my solemn hope.
From Felisol
That's how I like to spend my mornings too.
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