I'm currently reading a great book titled, The Omnivores Dilemma. This is a fascinating book about how mass produced food arrives on our dinner table and compares it with locally grown, farm fresh foods. Today as I was tending to a little bon fire, I wondered over to my veggie gardens. They are resting for the winter, building up good soil for another God orchestrated production next year. While there I spied carrot tops. I couldn't resist digging up a few leftovers still holding tight to the soil. They are sweet as sugar! A treat for sure as winter approaches and waiting for next summers crop.
What a beautiful blog page and header! Really nice..I'm impressed...=). Your carrots sound yummy, sweet as sugar. I just came by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! I've been sitting here for over an hour making origami crane's. I've enough made for two mobiles. Here's hoping they go together as planned anyway. goodnight...
aw mrs. mac...NOW you know why the little bunnies chew them carrot tops up...they are so sweet..yes the carrot tops AND the bunnies...ha!
i am just wondering if that dawg didn't sneak a few out for herself while your back was turned!.hahhaha...love terry
Dear Mrs. Mac,
I am 100 % with you about mass produced food, vegetables, eggs and meat.
I remember back in my green youth at nursing school, we worked for a farmer in the autumn vacation to harvest carrots.
The carrots were lain in long heaps at the field, covered with straw and earth, and this way kept fresh the whole winter. the soil and straw kept them from freezing.
Similar was done with the potatoes. Potato cellars were built, dug deep into the earth, stone walls to protect the entrance.
Some cellars can still be seen around on the farms in the neighborhood, but I doubt they are in use.
No gas, no poison spraying was needed.
We sure were raised on healthier food than our children.
In the little valley by the fjord where I was born, every other household kept hens after the war.
We used to go feed our neighbor's hens and buy egg from them as well.
No overcrowded cages with hen in pain.
I wonder when and why we went so wrong.
From Felisol
Dear Mrs. Mac,
I have not been able to visit very many blogs regularly these past weeks, and so here I am at your blog place catching up. Read all the posts I've missed... and I must say you have been putting in many beautiful photos lately. I did enjoy my time just finding out how things have been with you.
I have never tasted carrot tops, as we get carrots from the market with the tops already cut off.
In our country, there is also much talk about going back to natural farming -- no pesticides, no synthetic fertilizers. I agree with felisol, the chickens we eat these days must be so stressed out from growing in overcrowded pens. I wonder how much poison the stress releases into their bodies?
Well, I actually dropped by to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.
I am praying that you'll soon get your badly needed time to slow down and read a book.
Isn't it just like God to continue to leave us little "gifts" just to remind us of His constant love?
I see it in a flower that blooms...way past the time it should be, or in a sweet carrot after harvest, waiting to be found. The gift is not in the flower or carrot, it's in recognizing who gave it. I know you are thrilled to be the recipient of His love. Me too.
I have one lone rose bloomed perfectly!
I'm a bit behind on blog reading. I've so been meaning to get that book & Sally Fallon's book as well. The guy who wrote The Omnivore's Dilemma is one of the folks narrating the Food Inc movie. (I'm going to have to quit, you can't believe how many typos this has had!)
I totally support sustainable farming, eating locally, organic when possible (& i choose to eat vegetarian as well, but i do cook meat for my hubby).
LOL. I didn't eat the carrot tops but what was growing beneath. .... Carrots
It was like taking a step back into my childhood when I tasted the first carrot out of my garden this year...I am so happy to be gardening again!!!
I read the book you are reading...and found it quite interesting...
I am learning that the term "organic" is losing some of it's original intent. With the federal government at the helm, one must never be lax..i.e. staying informed of the changes/revisions being made to the "standards" which classify something as organic.
I covered all my raised beds with about two feet of leaves...to protect the soil, protect soil moisture, help control weeds next year..and as an aid in keeping soil temp next growing season...wisdom from my master gardner nephew...so I shall see what happens next year..
That made me hungry!
;) Barbara
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