A day to myself. I have eight hours today without one thing scheduled on my agenda. The kids are at school, the grand baby is with his parents, hubby is off working, the roads are clear, the sky is blue, and I have a full tank of gas. After being housebound the past few days, this will be a perfect day to finish up my Christmas and grocery shopping.
Hubby was sure to leave me with a working chain saw that I can manage, and a snow plow to use before he left last month, nice guy, eh? The plow came in handy three times this past week, but alas, our snow has melted due to the "Pineapple Express" that blew through the Pacific Northwest. Yesterday it was a balmy 57 degrees outside.
Daylight is burning ... I'm outta here.
Hope you ahd a fun play day! He was thoughtful, leaving you those necessities! Tomorrow will be my fun day! We might hit 80 degrees on Saturday!
It sounds like you deserve a day off! Hope it was really a treat. Its been so busy here with running to Dr's appts. and visiting my sil at the rehab hospital..which is about 3 hours with all the travel & visiting time added up. Poor thing has been in hospitals 3 months now...but hoping like anything to get home in a week or two. I haven't done too much blogging. Maybe I'll have more time to myself after Christmas. Our daughter & her fam. will be here and I am so looking forward to seeing her. I never thought time would go by so quickly as it has the last 2 months. No time for blogging like I used too...grin. Take care till the next time I come visit!
Oh for a warm wind to blow this way! I don't think it's going to happen, warm up that snow plow and start heading our way...I won't make you use it, but Hal might take off to parts unknown with it!
Hope you enjoyed your free moments!
I'm glad you can run that thing. We are here north of Omaha since Wednesday now. The snow was pretty and we had to be in it on the road Thursday.
Going back tomorrow to the 80's.
57!! how awesome it's been freezing here!!
Hope you had a nice day.
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