As with any hobby, money can sometimes be involved. And putting together a vintage uniform (or reproduction uniform) can set a person back in the wallet. Dh and I have been fortunate to be friends with two ultimate wheelers and dealers of all things vintage. Our friends Bob and Kathy have extensive knowledge about EVERYTHING ... down to the correct buttons and patches, and they know what makes a good substitute if original is impossible or too expensive to use. Some of our uniforms are quite
vintage ... moth holes included ... and some of Terry's were used for Hollywood movies. They have graciously supplied us with everything, otherwise, I don't think we could afford the selection that we have. A few of our outings, such as dinner on the Queen Mary, and a
dinner/murder mystery (Murder of The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy) aboard a vintage train were not of the re-enactment category ... just fun date nights.
For the past several years we have attended a
Living Time Line at Ft. MacArthur which is a weekend outing with re-enactments going back hundreds and hundreds of years up to the Korean era. There are pirates and swash-bucklers, Civil War encampments, Spanish American battles, MASH units, all set above a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
For our twenty-fourth wedding anniversary, Dh and I traveled to Mackinac Island, MI for a three day weekend at the
Grand Hotel that included the
Glenn Miller Band. For the formal night, we wore vintage WWII uniforms. In attendance were many WWII veterans and their spouses to hear "their" music. Seeing us in "their" uniforms brought smiles to their faces and gratitude for preserving part of "their" history. We were asked to be dance partners with several of the elderly guests so they could reminisce about their service years.
While reading a local newspaper some time back I saw there was to be an opening of a hobby shop/museum just up the road from our home. Their specialty is model airplanes and battleships from bygone wars. Dh and I attended and met a WWII rescue pilot,
Bill Clutterham, who flew B17's during the war. These two hit it off and became best of friends with much in common. Come to find out they were both stationed on a small remote island called Ishima off the coast of Japan some thirty years apart. Bill was a rescue pilot for the infamous
Enola Gay plane that dropped the A-bomb and was flying at the time of the bombing. This was a top secret mission and he didn't even know what was going on ... but witnessed a blast from the corner of his eye. Something never before seen and hopefully never to be seen again. If he had looked directly at it, he would have gone blind. I have a book he wrote about his Christian faith and his recollections of the war. Sadly, he passed away this past April. Terry and a few of Bill's close friends and family made a pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. a short time before his death to see the
National WWII Memorial.
There's one more day of time travel ... so stay tuned.Photos: (click on pictures to enlarge)
Top Row: Left - Mrs. Mac "Somewhere In Time" at the Grand Hotel's vintage phone booth, 2004
Right - Mr Mac and Bill at the WWII Memorial in Washington, D.D., 2006
Middle Row:
Left - Mr. Mac & Bill at hobby shop opening, 2005
Right - Mr. & Mrs. Mac at the Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island, MI, 2004
Bottom Row:
Left - Mr. & Mrs. Mac aboard the murder mystery dinner train
Right - Mr. Mac at Ft. MacArthur, 2006