Last night my (soldier) son called and we must have gabbed for 45 minutes or more talking about his new electric skillet and coffee maker that he

got for

Christmas. Must miss his mom's home cooking as he asked for some easy recipes (
big s
mile). His room on post has a sink, refrigerator, and a microwave oven. So the addition of the aforementioned appliances will help him have something other than chowhall or fast food. He said he couldn't wait to come back home for another visit. I cherished our conversation and have tucked it away in my heart and mind to keep him close to me. Good lord, I miss him! (sniffle, snuff, snuff, sniffle ... oh, pass me a tissue please!) My nest is half full (just being optimistic folks :) Oldest daughter, Elizabeth is off on her own ... happily married for 3+ weeks now. The next to fly away will be Ann. She used to tell me she wanted to live around the corner from me when she got married; I think it had something to do with her lack of cooking skills; lately she's been lending an active hand in the kitchen. (Around the corner may be too close for her future hubby... but the same town would be nice.) That leaves my littlest bird, Nathan ... who by the way invited me to go to school with him today ... (
Mommy needs a little break, Sweetie) ... He's a perpetual youth ... a bit like Peter Pan ... and keeps me young at heart (if only I could bottle him and never have to wear a red hat or purple clothes). Motherhood - the hardest & "bestest" job in the whole wide world!