We talked Nathan in to going to the fair yesterday :) Since he's been receiving 'intense' development therapy, it's been a little easier getting out and about with him. The highlight was having him walk through the horse barn. (OK ... I bribed him with a few pennies ... he's saving up 70 so he can 'purchase' an outing to the bowling alley.)
Aaah ... the sights and smells of the fair. Fried food galore. Even deep fried pickles. I was not tempted to try one ... have you ever eaten a deep fried pickle? Who thinks up food like this??????

My favorite part was walking through the quilt exhibit. There were so many beauties displayed. I'm working on finishing up a hand pieced quilt top that my(dearly departed) grandmother started. There are enough complete squares to make a full size bed quilt. She must have started the pieces in the 1960's from scraps of fabric she saved. It will be so special to sleep under the cover knowing she hand stitched the pieces. Her son, my dad, will enjoy using it when he returns for his annual visit next summer. (Mums the word mom if you read this post.) Inside the quilt barn were some ladies spinning wool yarn. Since I have been mastering so many new/old skills the past few years, I'm looking for something to work on this winter so just might take up spinning ... it looks so relaxing.

Did you get out to a fair this summer? If so, what is your favorite part? Rides, food, exhibits?