I just love when January rolls around. A fresh new start. A clean - unmarked calendar. Vacation plans that are for 'this year' .. instead of next year. This is the month that I start my really deep cleaning. Washing walls. Pulling furniture away from the walls. Cleaning under the washer and dryer. Washing and storing seldom used china so it will be clean and ready at a moments notice. Polishing furniture with oil instead of just using a feather duster. The lazy end of December will be just a memory of .. well, just that ... a lazy memory that needs to be shoved into a mental closet and forgotten for a long, long time.
In between all of the household chores will be some bright spots. Looking at the seed catalogs and plotting my garden on paper. Hubby has promised to buy me a 'mulcher' .. although I know he means rototiller as a birthday present. He's so practical, eh;)
This time next week there will be a spring to my step. No more gloom. With or without mountains of snow, I will take a few winter walks; I'm prepared with shoe chains and snow shoes for ice and for powdery snow. No more excuses! No more resting on the couch recovering from Christmas. And did I mention that the kids will be back in school? Aaaah.
Image from here