... in the comment section of the "Dog-gone Thief" post ... I had actually planned my next post to be called: "Going, Going, Gray - Part 2" ... It's been six months since I stopped coloring my hair. Each month I've gotten the ends trimmed and have been adamant about not recoloring ... although I did have a dream that somehow my hair had been recolored and I was glad to wake up seeing the gray ;) ..
Here are two pictures my friend Christina took when she visited last month. The gray has grown out about 40% of the the length. Since I have layered hair it doesn't appear to be almost halfway grown out ... but it is. Most days I just put on a smile ... but on extremely bad hair days I wear a ball cap. No turning back now. The bang area is frosted snow ... progressing back to salt and pepper ... and dark brown at the neckline. It really hasn't been too bad ... the hardest time was the first month or two when it just looked like I was overdue for a coloring ... now it's pretty obvious that I'm letting it grow in gray. I'm not a gal that can wear short hair ... so you won't see me sporting a pixie ;)
Here is my original post
That's so neat. :o) I'm proud of you. Not yet as brave as you. My hair is really LONG now. It'd take years and years to grow it all out. That's my excuse, anyway.
You and the Mister both look wonderful!
You go girl! I am not quite ready to go completely without my highlights just yet. Although there is getting much more gray mixed with the blonde in there!
I'm back from my trip and making the rounds. I hope to blog about our 4th of July shindig real soon!
You honestly, truly, really look good! I have to look really hard (and I did!) to see the gray. Just one more chore to be free of, I give you two thumbs up on making that choice!
You look so pretty, like a movie star.
Some women are just beautiful no matter what.
You're one of those. Without a shadow of a doubt.
Yeah, you could have purple hair and you'd still be pretty. I dont have much gray yet but I suppose its coming before too many years.
i'm echoeing the "you look good girl!" comments ... :o)
i've done the same as you, got a shorter haircut to get my highlights toned down ... and to see how much gray is coming through ... i'll be 55 next year, and so far i just have a smattering of gray ... when my dad died at age 72, he still didn't have much gray - so i guess i inherited his genes for that? ...
but i'm thinking that you really do look lovely ... must be the Lord shining through!
blessings on ya!
Thanks for stopping by. The family reunion WAS a lot of fun. Pictures don't lie (tee-hee). The funny thing is that I had both my mom and my stepdad and my birth father and stepmother there! My whole family together!
I never got to thank you for the information you left me on my comments a couple of weeks ago regarding preservation of archival letters etc. That is good to know! It's compatible with an article in my "Civil War Times Illustrated" magazine that I clipped out but the website you directed me to is much more extensive. Those personal effects are as important to me as any famous, well-known article is to a Historian!
Have a perfectly lovely weekend!
How funny-the last 4 letters of the word verification is "bnsf" and My Hub works for the BNSF Railroad!!! What a weird coincidence!
My hair was black in my younger days. I was anxious for it to turn gray so I could use lighter colors on it. Eventually I became a blonde. After accidentally getting a pixie haircut, I've discovered that I'm a natural platinum white. I love coloring my hair so when it grows, I'll be at WalMart checking for a new shade.
Dearest Daughter,
You were a beautiful baby, and are still beautiful today - whether gray, brown, red or green!!! All the comments and compliments you received are so very true. Not only are you lovely on the outside, but your inside character shows through....Dad and I are so very proud of the woman you have become.
Dear Mrs. Mac...I think you look really nice...very young looking.
My sister Gracey has beautiful hair and she can wear it out long. Your long hair will look nice. Mine is so thin that I always have to wear it in a ball! Yuk!!
You have such a sweet Mom Mrs Mac...No wonder you are so sweet yourself....Love Terry
I love it when women let nature take its course! You look beautiful, and I can't wait to see you when it's all grown in! You just gave me a great topic idea...reasons women should go grey. I like it! Thanks!
You do look nice, MM. Some do, some don't. I don't cause I didn't like the coloring messes!
Mrs. Jim and I both agree she should color until she is old and (very) wrinkled.
Time passes so quickly...your hair will be grown out before you know it. You do look wonderful, I agree with all the other commenters! I love to see natural colored hair..mine has a lot of grey in it...but silver has a nicer ring to it doesn't it..smile
Dear Mrs. Mac,
Amrita is right, you look like the American dream.
Probably always will.
I,on the other hand is looking best with big sunglasses and a cap, even with colored hair.
It takes all kind to make a world.
I don't even have the self discipline to cycle five minutes to get to my hairdresser regularly.
Perhaps I should seize this day?
Hugs from Felisol
You look lovely Mrs. Mac. I have a feeling that regardless of how you wore your hair you'd still be beautiful.
I used to have very long hair, with no thought of cutting it. Then I became ill and it began falling out due to the medication I was on. I was so embarrassed ..
but there was nothing I could do. After I went thru all I did in 1979, my hair began to thicken again and developed a natural wave. Eventually I cut it short and then shorter and it's shorter now than it's been in years but for me, it's so very easy to take care of and I'm all for easy.
I suppose we should be very grateful for hair regardless of length or color.
Blessings to you & yours.
you look beautiful!!
good for you!
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