(Sigh) ... Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. I like winter and have even been dubbed the Snow Queen by my Canadian friend, Miss Terry. She's always joking about me sending snow up her way. Well, here comes another round of the white stuff. Old Man Winter just won't let loose of his chilling grip. I guess I'll have to postpone dreaming about my veggie garden. A revision of when to start indoor seed trays will have to be made. Tomorrow my parents arrive for a two week stay ... maybe I should call them to make sure they are bringing their heavy coats. Last week we received about four inches ... it melted within a day or so. Here's hoping by next week we will begin to warm up into the 50's.
I hear you, and I feel your pain. Same thing is going on here. One day it's 50 degrees, next day, 7 inches of snow. This has been one of our worst winters on record. At this rate, our garden should go in about July!
It's enough to make your hair go gray - eh?! tee hee...
I'll be in prayer for you Ms Snow Queen..:)
Wow, you ARE getting snow! It so beautiful to watch the miracle of it falling to earth. I'm always stirred to see such beauty. When I went to the mailbox a while ago I saw the purple crocus' are up. They didn't make it for Easter but they are welcome anyway aren't they. Thanks for hanging in there with the trouble you had leaving me a comment. I spent the afternoon the other day trying to post that 'tea' blogathon post. They don't mess up too often but when they do!!! punch, punch...grin. If only they had a link where you could get help pronto. oh well, Blogger is free and its wonderful. We just ordered a set of cookware from Pampered Chef (Sat.) and it arrived today already. I need to go have lunch and open the box!!!! bye for now. Hope you & your parents have a wonderful visit together.
Its touching the 100s here, wish it was cooler. We have to take care of our plants.
Hello to your parents.
I played golf three times this week, Tuesday, Friday, and today (Saturday). That's one good reason to live in the South. Temps near 80s now, really nice convertible weather.
Hope you and your parents enjoy the nice visit. Be sure to listen closely to their oooows and aaaaahs about your new hair color. There may be a subliminal message there.
You're probably in the midst of your visit with your parents and I'm sure having the most marvelous time. We're hitting 80 degrees again today! UGH! It probably sounds wonderful but in reality, those kinds of temps in early Spring make us ripe for tornadoes, which I could seriously do without!
Jim ... the only subliminal message is that there is no message. My folks like me the way God made me ... so there ;) Besides, with all the money I'm going to save on my lack of beauty parlor trips, I can take some pretty nice vacations.
Connie ... we got a foot of snow the day after my folks arrived. We have seen moose each day in the yard too. They are enjoying their wilderness adventure. Our temps should be in the 'balmy' mid fifties by Thursday (shorts and flip flop weather around here lol)
i hear ya! it hit the mid forties yesterday and i dragged out the lawn furniture!
Hi Mrs M, hope you arer well. Come and receive an award I have for you on my blog
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