I got a note home from school last week that Nathan was complaining his tooth hurt. And a few days ago as I helped him brush his teeth before bed he complained to me. It's hard to figure exactly what was bothering him ... and trying to give him an oral exam is a tricky deal. So I made him an appointment with his pediatric dentist. Knowing full well that he'd put up a stink about this visit, I started preparing him the night before with details about the next day's visit. He was none too happy ... except that he could sleep in and go to school late ... throw in a trip to McDonalds and the library for good measure, and I had him convinced the check up was a good thing. This was his first dental exam that a sedative or a papoose was not involved. He was such a big boy and other than asking if he was going to get a shot ... and nervously shaking like a cold wet dog ... he left the office saying he had FUN! He is cavity free ... his tooth problem could be from wear and tear on his baby teeth ... or an adult tooth trying to push out a baby tooth. Being twelve years and having only two permanent teeth is frustrating.
Photo: Vintage advertisement for toothache drops containing cocaine! Can you imagine going to the drugstore today and purchasing this product?
Glad Nathan had a good visit with the dentist. I have two granddaughters who need to be roped and hog-tied to get them into any place medical.
My husband went with our daughter-in-law when she took the girls for a routine exam years ago. He wondered why he was needed 'til they called them into the exam room ... he's a big man and had trouble holding a 25 lb. little girl. The sad thing is, their Mom is a nurse. The older girl, Stef, has been known to pass out after leaving a doctor or dentist's office. Makes life interesting.
i think you are on to something with the mc donald's thing. will you take me to the dentist?
I will give you McDonalds Sara if you go to the dentist. Please follow Nathans example of a being a good child.
I'm so proud of your big guy - that's quite a day to remember! I can relate to the baby tooth problem, I too still have several baby teeth, and as an adult, and I do "baby" them!
I am so scared of dentists. I don 't like anyone peering at my face.
Glad it was OK for Nate.
The vintage toothdrops are really something.
I'm glad Nathan doesn't have a cavity or the like.
Abuse ruined a good thing, Coke also used to have cocaine in it.
Good job Nathan! Our best friend is a dentist and Dave's younger brother is a Dentist so we have always been fine about going. Not everyone is that fortunate. When I had my wisdom teeth extracted, the Oral Surgeon's name was Dr Cocayne!
yeah little man. Chicken nuggets or cheeseburger?
I noticed that word..cocaine..no I can't imagine that but I guess that was life way back then. Your Nathan is a brave boy. I bet you were proud of him...its not fun to go to the dentist....ever. =) Enjoyed seeing that old add..
Oh Im so please Nathan didnt have to have a filling....
I hate dentists lol.... non of me lads have got any fillings which apparently in this day and age is a miracle...... my oldest did come one once when he was about 12 clutching his mouth with bloody everywhere, he had fallen off his rollerskates and smashed his brand new adult front teeth clean out.... oh well, least no fillings aye LOL....
I'm with Nathan. The less time spent at the dentist.....the better!
Then again nobody ever takes me to McDonald's afterwards either! lol!
first,happy belated 50th ... you look great - so obviously 50 wasn't too bad a fit! i'm 54, and it feels fine - :o)
and your poor little Nathan ... i have an autistic cousin (17 years old) and these kinds of trips are always iffy ... and need planning ... sounds like you did great!
OK, MM. Your seven days are up. Time for writing again.
And I have made an award to you of the "You Make The World A Better Place" award. Merle, my blogging buddy of Australia, gave this to me, I couldn't see that you had received this one.
The details are on my JIM'S LITTLE BLOG. I hope you like it.
Where are you? Your fans are missing you!
I'm here ... just have a lot of thinking to do ... no great big world changing thoughts ... just debating if I should let my hair go gray ... but it's been 'eating' up a lot of my thought process ;) ... I've enjoyed just being grandma this week with Jacob ... sitting on the front porch rocker with a cuddly blanket watching the birds and rocking my grandson (soon to be one year old) ... maybe I should turn this into a post??
Enough thinking - put those thoughts down in a post.
No better time spent then rocking your sweet grandson. I don't blame you one bit for not posting. BUT....I still miss you!
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