With weather in the 70's and 80's ... lows in the 40's ... there's a new step in my walk ;) A few mornings I've even turned on the free standing heater stove. Clean air, blue skies, white clouds, just a hint of color in the trees .. must be time to dig out some cooler weather recipes to start adding to the menu. My blog has been neglected as of late ... the whole summer was such a whirlwind of time that even updating it once or twice a week was a chore usually put on the back burner. This is not to say that I've had nothing to do ... hardly. Plenty of work is yet to be done in the yard ... and I do watch our grandbaby four partial days each week. But I have come to appreciate calling it quits around 4 PM each day for all outside activity ... including errands. By this time of day, it's nice to come inside and start fixing dinner, watching the evening news for a while, or just sipping tea on the front porch or back patio. Routine is a driving force, and when it's tossed by the wayside, I tend to over pack each day with way too much stuff.
I cannot sit and chat with you,
the way I'd like to do.
So brew yourself a cup of tea,
I'll think of you, you think of me.
We had rain Sunday and yesterday. This mornng it's down into the 60's, thanks to a cool front that moved through overnight! I walked dave out this morning like I usually do and was pleased at the coolnesss. This is what September should feel like! Last night I made 7 Can Soup for dinner which was yummy. I make some type of soup once a week when this time of year hits.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog last night. I'm sure that having a child with a handicap is not what you planned. Somehow I just know that God has given you blessings and insights into His heart that the rest of us will never know. There was a song a long time ago that sang of the "joy in the journey". We are all on a journey in this world and we are called to give thanks IN all circumstances. What some might see as a mistake, when we look through God's eyes, we see purpose and joy all around us!
Have a great day my friend!
I need to get more routine into my days...I let time slip through my fingers, I'm afraid. Know what tea I enjoyed yesterday? I brewed a teapot full from 1 teabag of reg.decaf tea...and 1 bag of (Lipton) blackberry tea in the pyramid bag...mmmm good and no sugar either!
Yes it sounds so nice and homey Mrs. Mac.
I just wish that the weather was like that all year around, although while I was reading your post, I did just imagine the smell of burning leaves in the fall.
That is one thing I like about the autumn!..Love Terry
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