Seldom do I get attached to earthly possessions. However, there are a few items I have hauled around with each move. Items that hold a certain connectivity to my loved ones that are deceased, and memories of young married life. Some are nothing more than stories told over and over that I keep tucked away in my heart. But others are tangible objects that my family once used and now I use. I have painstakingly boxed up my grandparent's dining room lamp numerous times; placing each of a hundred or so prisms in bubble wrap ensuring safe travel. My new dining room was inspired by this one simple item. The wall color and window coverings echo the lamp's style and color. And the dining table and antique English sideboard were figured into the room's proportions when plans were made. The lamp reminds me of my grandparents and the dinners served underneath it. The table and sideboard were purchased when dh and I first were married. Each of our children learned their table manners while sitting in the chairs, and the old wood carries on a rich history in the very scratch and dent marks given to it through the years. The newness of my house is tempered with the old and now it is called home.
" When a man takes a new wife, he is not to go out with the army or be given any business or work duties. He gets one year off simply to be at home making his wife happy."
Deuteronomy 24:5
The Message Bible
Deuteronomy 24:5
The Message Bible

my kind of decorating. i'm currently trying to get the mr. to design our living room around the fire place mantel from the farm, stored currently in my gramma's basement. it does make it home, doesn't it? lovely.
This is such a beautifully written post that really reflects the heart of you and the heart of your home. No longer a house, but a home which displays personal objects and memories that are a part of you and your family. That's just what gives it the warmth and love that welcomes you when you walk in. How precious those pieces and memories are and how blessed you and your family are to have them near.
I have a small mirrored trash can that was my grandmothers. No one would give it a second glance, but to me it is priceless...I totally understand today's post - and I loved it!
I have fallen behind on visiting and commenting on your blog.
We only know one set of neighbors well on our street. Down here at our end, we have been here the longest, 14 years now! In some way, it's sad that we are so disconnected from one another these days. Growing up, we knew our neighbors and BOY, did they know us kids!
I have a deep respect and admiration of parents with a special needs child. For so many of us, we haven't got a clue of the joys and heartache of that particuliar life path. I'm sure you encounter bothe the best and worst in people at times. I'm also sure you ahve heard things like,
"God must think you're really strong and capable to handle a situation like this."
I don't know about you but when we were in the midst of anguish with a prodigal child, I heard something similiar and thought,
"Okay God, that's all well and good but am I being penalized for being strong? I really wouldn't have minded being weaker and NOT having to got hrough something like this!"
Your daughter is beautiful! Our son will be 17 next month and I can hardly believe the years have flown by at super-sonic speed!
I also have things that have been passed down to me that have special meaning. My precious grandmother left me an old trunk and it was filled with photos and photo albums. I want to have it restored so that I can truly enjoy it more than I already do!
Hi Mrs. Mac!
Well it looks like Connie has fallen behind on your blog too, so I guess I am not the only one that has been shirking my duties!
Did you get the email I sent to you?
Anyways, like I told you the weather is still summer here and I am loving it so you better just keep any of your thoughts of winter to yourself!
When I came to your site, I thought I was in "This New House" site for a moment.
What a beautiful inviting table this is and it looks like it is in the Room of Windows!
So nice!
So bright!
There would be plenty of room for Miss Patty and the rest of your gang to get together for a good cup of tea...maybe made in one of your gramma's ageless ted pots, eh?
Served in priceless bone china tea cups...
Well must be going to check out a few more posts.
I don't want to see you again at Gracey's bad mouthing me!...Love Terry
Sara ... the fireplace mantle from your grandparent's farm sounds like something I'd salvage ... I take it you have a fireplace to hang it above?
Pat, Just knowing that your mirrored trash can came from your grandma (even though it is a trash can :) reminds you of your relationship and keeps her close in your heart each time you see or use it. I totally "get it" !
Connie, we've heard through the years that God only gives special children to special parents ... or, God will never give you more than you can handle ... when in the thick of a health crisis or total exhaustion, those words almost deserve a good thump on the head with a Bible ... well almost. I think any decent person would do the same ... no one wishes such circumstances ... most people have a lot of inner strength if they have any sort of moral compass. We've had a few prodigal's in our family ... but having been so grounded in God's Word ... they've returned to the fold.
Miss Terry, I see you've been to Gracey's and found my message. Heaven knows you've been basking in the warmth of summer long enough now girl. Time to start getting your sweaters, gloves, umbrellas, hats, and coats together so you won't be caught at the beach in your swim suit should the weather turn cold all of a sudden. It's nice to hear from you.
I absolutely love your dining room, including the chandelier. It is comforting to see. I'm so glad you have been able to design it around your thoughts and dreams and it reminds you of times past. Sorry I haven't visited lately. I haven't felt too well, and I start chemo again in the morning but I will get there. Your little one is precious!
How special that you have your Grandparents lamp!! Your dining room is lovely and I love the charm it gives a home to mix the old with the new. Wouldn't one year at home be heaven...at any point in a marriage but especially at first! My hubby was drafted and overseas for about 10 months of our 1st year of marriage. Too sad...but history now! Long ago history...grin.
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