It amazes me to think that what I once fought to eradicate from my manicured front lawn now seems to be just part of the natural landscape. I'm talking about weeds! You know ... dan-de-lions, etc. Many a morning I spent hunched over or on a knee pad pulling and prying out weeds from my yard. Now I can take a break from all that prissy work and spend my time chopping up firewood ;) I may not wait until DH returns to get my new chainsaw. Until now, I've managed using the saw-blade end of my long handled tree trimmer ... but some of the wood is a might thick and needs a power tool. Who says girls can't have fun? Vroooom, vroooom.
"And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these." Matthew 6:28-29
Look at you, posting a new recipe, pictures of the house and shopping for a chainsaw! You better slow down or there will be nothing left for DH to do when he gets back from his Eastern US tour! I think you're spoiling him big time! Meanwhile, my grass needs mowing - how much do you charge?
I admire your seemingly never ending energy!
I was a single Mom before I married my Beloved and I was very self-reliant! I have my own tool box, can hang drywall, mitre corners and lay tile with the best of them! Power tools aren't just a guy thing! Ha Ha!
I was looking at the grass of someone else and it was filled with green and yellow, and I thought it was beautiful, like God took those colors and their contrast and purposely put them together.
Have fun with that wood chopping!
I never understood the mentality of pulling out all the dandelions..?? but I am "supposed" to now that I live in suburbia...the chain saw sounds like fun...I wonder if I could get me one of them...
Oh my goodness what a bunch of hard work! You go lady! Cutting wood would kill my back!
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