Here you go folks ... the first ever posted picture of my little Jake just a few days old! I'm such a ninny and didn't know a thing 'bout resizing web photos (silly old me). Now go on and tell me what a cute little fellow he is :)
Photos: Proud Grandma with Jacob. Shhhh, sleeping Jacob
Ha! I'm the first one here!!!
These pictures were really worth waiting for! He IS adorable, and he looks like a pretty big boy! He also looks like a Jacob, funny isn't it how names suit certain people? I'd share my room with him any day.
How's the new mom and daddy doing?
Now we can expect to see more pictures, right?
Jake is adorable. He's got lots and lots of hair..dark hair. What a doll. God's special gift to you! Thank you Lord!
Dear Gramma Mac...What a cheerful sight!!
I was telling RRBJ that if you didn't produce a picture soon that I was going to send snow your way but here you are safe!
All of mom's babies had a thick thatch of black hair like this little darling.
Give Little Gift a x from me and give that little punkin, Jacob a Canadian hug!!
I can't wait to see what Jim thinks of this precious little bundle of love!...Love Terry
Oh...those cheeks! The perfect little mouth! Such cuteness...what a way to make my night! :D
And I see that he's looking up at you grandma...he knows already how much you love him!
Thanks for sharing pictures...I've been checking in for weeks to see if there was any news, and then I've been waiting (patiently) for pictures!
I was present for our 2 youngest grandchildren (Alyson & Ashley) when they were born. There is no feeling in the world that comes from being a grandparent. It's almost like you get a "do over" when it comes to parenting. You get to be (mostly) all the positive forces in shaping their lives and character. You don't have the day to day drain of parenting, you get to float in and then float back out and all the while, they think you are perfect! My grandmother helped raise me and I always remember what it felt like to be totally loved by her and I want the smae for my grandids!
By the way, he's an absolute precious doll!
Wow, he is beautiful! And could he possibly look more like his mommy without being an actual CLONE?! LOL!
He looks so strong and healthy. What a blessing.
Hi Ladies ... thanks for the lovely comments about my new found joy (grandmahood)! Julie, I tried twice to post a comment on your blog, but they seemed to get "lost" somewhere in cyberspace. Have a blessed day.
He is absolutely gorgeous! I have just such a photo holding my Jadabear for the first time...with that same adoring look on my face..:) This is only the beginning...he will have you as his slave for life! haha
perfection! when you're done, please mail him overnight express to me. i especially like them boy babies!
Wonderful pictures and what an a adorable litte man...he's captured Grandma's heart right from the start I see...=) and no wondor!
Your grandson is the sweetest little thing! He's just beautiful!
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