Did I mention that sometimes my home is a 24/7 adventure? This week is supposed to be summer vacation: no morning school bus to catch, no lunch to pack, no alarm clock. Will my family please read my blog and take a hint! I need a week of sleep ..... shhhh! No 5:30 AM alarm clock that wakes me up, Ann girl, that dear old mom has to get up and tell you to turn off. No 6:20 AM phone call ('Soldier Boy ~ now forest Fire Fighter in training) ~ son calling to tell me good-bye for the week while you are away at school; I love you ... but I need my sleep ... send me a text or call me on your lunch break. No hammering at 7:00 AM Mr. Construction worker building a home on the lot next door. Sigh ... It's now past 8:00 AM ... OK, I'm awake. Why is it so quiet now?
hehe, I better prepare myself as ManChild moves to another time zone in a couple of weeks. I bet he does not keep that in mind when he deigns to phone us!
(No need to hurry a response comment, Mrs. Mac. After you nap will do!) Barbara
Just when you think you can sleep in...life happens!!! Oh, how sweet of Soldier Boy to call his Mama to tell you he loves you! And as for Mr. Construction guy...HOW RUDE!!!
Kathy...I just took myself a power nap...ya think your family would let you do the same??? LOL
I'm hoping that tomorrow will be the day you can catch a few extra late morning zzz's, and that they'll feel twice as sweet because you were awaken too early this morning!
sometimes i am still up at 5:30.
bernie gets up six to go to work and by then i am snoring!
i am so glad that patrick is in a good job...the lord is surely looking after him mrs mac..
i so loved your comment over at crown of beauty's and i so agree with it and i so hope that she takes the invitation mrs. mac....love terry
Isn't that just the way of it!! I'm wondering WHY my neighbor feels the need to hammer and mow at 7:30 am on Sats AND why Jada's alarm goes off on Sunday's at 6:30 am...and no other days ???
our day here begins at 5:10...I take my coffee to my bed and read my devotionals so I am out of the way...the hallway gets congested with activity in and out of the bathroom...today I was napping at 10:30...I feel so old!
blessings to you
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