What's up? I mean with high school seniors and being way too lax about daily attendance. One of my beloved youngins is taking advantage of skipping out on the last period of school ... to the tune of the VP calling to ask if I knew of any recent reasons for leaving early ... four times since mid March. This after said youngin has switched her schedule to include a work release the last two periods of the day ... she gets out at noon and actually does go to work (so I think). My response to the VP was to throw the book at her (no, not literally) ... MAKE HER PAY!! ... by having her attend a few Saturday schools ... or picking up trash ... cleaning toilets ... etc., etc. The school reported it's practically an epidemic this year. I'm not one of those parents to swoosh in to the rescue of poor little youngin ... suffer the consequences as the chips fall ... attend summer school ... whatever it takes to get the message inside her head. Note to youngin: Don't tick me off or I'll turn into a Mommy Dearest!
Sounds like you subscribe to the same child rearing tecniques that I believe in. I wish more parents did...it produces good adults.
Just out of curiosity...did you ever skip school?
LOL Sounds like me, too. No quarter, baby.
to be honest ... I ditched once. But, of course, not on Senior Ditch Day ... being 18 I could write my own excuse note ... I waited for a nice sunny day. Where did I go? to the beach (with my mom).
Sock it to em, mamma! LOL glad spring is settling in there!
Oh ... spring was just a fleeting tease ... we're supposed to have three more days of snow showers ;(
you are a good mom!
you know... i skipped school too but i think it was twice my whole high school career...
get her...
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