Defender of the woods, my pooch, Miss Holly ... Her 'tails' are great this month ... rather drop kicking. Now the entertainment at our Mangy Moose Lodge just never ceases. With the recent visit from my folks, about half of their two weeks was spent watching it snow. The scene was new for them ... but old hash for yours truly. Never the less, great sport can be found in the last snow storm of the season. Dad was sitting at the dining room table reading the paper, sipping coffee one morning. (Said room is a windowed wing off the kitchen with forest views). He had just mentioned how it would be interesting to see a moose while visiting the Mangy Moose Lodge. Voile ... no sooner had the words parted his lips ... outside lumbered said huge creature. Cameras start flashing from behind the door and windows ... mom is amazed at actually seeing the moose just wondering around my yard. Snow is swirling ... moose is munching the new twig growth on a maple tree ... all is well. Or at least for a short moment. Then the action began. To be exact, my great defender, Miss Holly, decides to take on the 1000 x's bigger creature ... she (the dawg) CHARGED and quickly got kicked in the head throwing her across the yard. Do I feel protected? Do I have a stupid dawg? Yes to both questions! Dawg status: Perhaps some sense was kicked into her ... able to run, bark, play, frolic.
You must have a beautiful home. Very glad Miss Holly is alright. I love dogs.
No kidding, she got kicked in the head and lived to bark again! =) that must have been some day for you all to remember...=) Made any cards lately? p.s. I'd like to see a moose too. Bet not many of us have seen one for real.
I don't think I'd bounce ack as quickly after getting a swift kick to the head! The last moose we saw was in Alberta while we were on vacation. Dave was only going *40MPH and it came up from the side of the road, ran in front of our conversion van (I swear we were looking up at him he was so tall and we were sitting up high) and crossed the road all before I could say MOOSE! They look so gangly, you'd never guess how fast they can be! I read your previous entry and the world needs more mean parents. We fall in that category as well. We found out our daughter dropped 2 of her college classes last semester that we paid for at the Jr College. We are making her pay us back!
What an adorable face Miss Holly has - even if she didn't act very smart!! She probably hasn't seen many Moose in your yard in Ca!
We're having unseasonable warm weather here - it's sooo welcome!
So you have planted lilacs and blueberries and more. How rewarding that will be over the years. One year my dh helped me plant baby lilacs that I dug up from around an old large bush. They now line one side of our driveway and what a sight and fragrance they are every year. And retirement for your dh...I'm sure you are looking forward to that! My hubby has a little under 2 years left. Can't wait for retirement to come to our house! I'd better get busy here...blogger won't let me post pictures and between that and getting around the quirks of our new HP scanner, I'm used up if you know what I mean...grin.
Just stopping by...=)
Ms Holly is so sweet and brave. My dog once attacked procupine and got quills in his mouth
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