Old Man Winter is away on a journey to the Southern Hemisphere now. He took his sweet time departing our area ... and ... knock on wood ... lest I be cursed and have to eat my words ... will not return for many, many months. Yes, Mrs. Mac still has snow in her yard ... but it's melting more and more each day. There are wide swaths of rich brown earth eager to burst forth in glory.
My home is quiet this morning. The children are off at school, and I drove my parents to the airport yesterday morning. It's so quiet now that my ears are ringing from lack of noise (just kidding).
Chores for the day include a mound of laundry, kitchen duty, burning some piles of yard debris, and planting some tomato seeds in containers. My dreams for a garden this year may have to be scaled down a bit as snow still blankets the two areas I'm contemplating using. It will be a large task to design the beds and install some type of deer proof fencing aesthetically pleasing to our homeowners association. So I may just be planting some patio containers to tide me over until everything is ready. With a u-pick farm just two miles away ... we won't lack farm fresh produce.
The past few weeks I've been stocking our emergency pantry and loading up the deep freeze with meat. My dad showed me how to make jerky ... for which we used up about twelve pounds of buffalo meat ... tastes like beef jerky ... very delicious. On a recent trip to Cabella's I purchased some stacking drying trays to use in my oven to dry meats, veggies and fruits. My goal this year is to rely less and less on the supermarket and more on local produce for next winter by canning, freezing, and drying. I must be getting back to nature, eh.
Well, enough boring news ... I've got to put on my yard gloves and get to work!
Photo: Mrs. Mac and family 4/08