Earlier this week we were hooked up to the giant "
mother ship" in the sky; a connection that is nearly as fast as lightning! No more waiting, yawning, napping, muttering under my breath about molasses in January dial-up! Some days I just gave up waiting and twiddling my thumbs with the many pictures that never completely downloaded. I can zip right on over and visit with friends around the country, and up north in Canada in about 1/10 the time. Now that I don't have an "excuse" for my lack of posts, better get my act in gear and write you guys a letter.
I must admit that yesterday was one of those rare, but lazy days at home. Some times my energy level is pumped with adrenalin ... and once in a
blue moon it's "park your fanny" on the couch and sip ice tea til noon. Being a stay at home mom and homemaker, I never get the "luxury" of taking a sick day. That's when a DDS (don't do squat) day is needed. Perhaps twice a year I take the day off, of course that's only during the school hours when I'm home alone ... but a day off now and then is a real SMS (save my sanity) moment. Given that I've been blazing new trails through the wilderness this past year, I guess I won't feel too guilty. Today, though, I put myself in high gear and worked out in the yard ... raking rocks and soil, spreading some wild flower seeds here and there. Adding more kitchen greens and coffee grounds to my growing compost pile, washing loads of laundry, and faux painting a time out stool for Nathan (it has to match my kitchen).
The dog has been behaving (shhh) since her thunder and lightning induced meltdown the other evening! Last night when she started yapping, I took a rolled up newspaper with a bit of Tabasco on it and thumped her nose! That got her attention and she suddenly obeyed when I told her to be quite. Speaking of the other night ... we also lost our power from the thunderstorm. So now picture this ... the dog in the garage without her night light ... and Nathan in his bed (not quite asleep) without his night light! Thankfully, I had an emergency battery operated one to put in my son's room ... the dog just had to be in the dark.
Since I've prattled on and on, you are probably wishing I still had my dial-up connection. Lucky you, it's my bedtime ... Nighty-nite!
"First thing in the morning, she dresses for work, rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started. She senses the worth of her work, is in no hurry to call it quits for the day. She's skilled in the crafts of home and hearth, diligent in homemaking."
from Proverbs 31 The Message Bible