"These happy golden years are passing by, these happy golden years." Laura Ingalls Wilder

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I've about had it with trying to spend anytime out doors this summer.  We've been under attack from an overload of meat bees.  At every turn, they are in your face, buzzing your feet, and dive bombing near and far. 

Two days ago I stumbled upon a underground nest out back in an area that is natural vegetation .. yet a place that gets mowed a few times each summer.  From a quick google search on how to eradicate the pests, most advised to leave late summer nests alone to let the first good frost kill the nest .. at which time closing it off.  This nest has an entrance hole 3 inches wide.  Hubby got stung while watering in the general area .. after I warned him about the bees.  (Knowing him, he probably let the hose spray water over the nest ... he's a guy .. just saying). 

I've seen these little buggers completely devour dead birds and insects .. bones and all in the course of a day.  Not one to wish away time .. the first good frost is mighty appealing right about now.


Kathryn said...

I think i'd try to hurry it along by buying several big bags of ice and dumping it all on their nest!

Stay safe!

Pat said...

Get thee a bee keepers suit and hat with a net over it!

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

I've never heard of these! But I do have strange holes in the ground around the garden, small ones just about big enough to get your finger in.

Trish said...

I have never heard of meat bees! They sound kind of freaky!!!LOL.

Mrs. Mac said...

Trish .. meat bees are yellowjackets that devour protein and sweets.

Marsha Young said...

I had heard of and seen sweat bees, and regular honey bees, but "meat bees" - and they eat bones and ALL??? Sounds like a bad science fiction movie.

As for wishing for a good frost - try Northern Calif. in the middle of August - that'll get your wishing-well pump primed! Just saying ...

Felisol said...

Do you mean honey bees? What should we do without them? I know, I don´t like having them around either. If I see a bee´s or wasp´s nest on the house, Gunnar must remove it at once. On the other side, if they disappear, so will fruits and flowers. Now there´re gone for this year anyway.