"These happy golden years are passing by, these happy golden years." Laura Ingalls Wilder

Monday, February 04, 2013

Bowled Over

Not being one to engage in watching the Super Bowl .. I did subject my eyes to about 60 seconds of the rather X-rated gyration of a so called 'pop star' wiggle and wreath on stage during half time with all the lust of a porn star.  That was enough!  Why does such a national event that is watched around the world have to be about selling sex?  If I had young children, they would not be allowed to watch such a program .. and yet, how many parents had their children with them watching?  This is a day when our nation should be putting out the best for the world to see .. not smut.   I'm glad we do not have cable TV and can only get a few channels on our rabbit ear antenna; which at times is even too much.  


Diane said...

I am so with you on this one! We fill little minds with trash and then expect them to become exemplary citizens, hard working contributors to society. What a warped sense of thinking we have!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I agree - I saw it and it was downright embarrassing. And what confuses me even more are the grown women my age, who actually thought it was fantastic.

I just don't belong in this world anymore....

Kathryn said...

I only caught what i saw as i fast-forwarded thru this. It didn't make me want to stop and watch more! Sadly, the young ones in our family, between 14 and 16, thought it was great. What a poor choice of a role model.

Our culture has become something very strange.

Pat said...

The worst that comes out of all this is the de-sensitization to every thing. The ability to choose good from bad, right from wrong is no longer working. God help us.

Felisol said...

Since I have so many American friends I sat alone in the middle of the night watching Super Bowl.
I so agree. The half time show was frankly disgusting, not even suited for grown ups.
We don't get the American commercials over here, so at least I'm spared for that. I think I should be paid to watch commercials. I always zap or turn down the sound if there are commercials on the TV program I'm watching.
I'm stubborn about that, and luckily my family support me.

Mrs.N said...

I am SO glad I don't have to put up with that anymore. Japanese TV is stupid sometimes but not really trashy like American TV is now. But we do have our own problems here...like porn comics and magazines with nude pictures of women in obscene poses available on the newsstand at 7-11. I think this is just the state of the planet now. Sad, disgusting but predicted.

Trish said...

We didn't watch it! Tom turns the channel at some commercials...says it's soft porn!!! My word...this world has changed in my 60 years!!!

Trish said...

We didn't watch any of it!!! Tom says, even commercials are getting disgusting and we turn the channel a lot! Be careful little eyes what you see...

Terry said...

dear mrs. mac...we don't have cable either and in fact do not even watch tv...we watch an american channel called "Me" on the computer and it is so nice to see programs that are really moral and even speak of god so much... programs like "bonanza". "the rifle man". "the big valley", "perry mason". "car 54 where are you?", "emergency", "the fugitive", and if you like comedies, "i love lucy", the partridge family", "beverly hillbillies", and so on and so on!!..try googling it to see if you can get it!....it is just choice mrs. mac!...love terry