Finding what motivates Nathan seems to be the key to his success that he's currently experiencing. Now that sounds like it (the motivation) would work for anybody .. and why didn't I think of it in the first place? .. humm .. not quite so easy to unlock a child that displays autistic traits .. easier said than done. But, this is just the ticket .. along with a fantastic therapist that has brainy ideas and challenges me to think outside the box. His latest adventure .. taking a bath and having Nathan doing most of the work .. (soon to be all of the process). Just how are we motivating him? Well .. little pennies to be earned for staying focused. Pennies have helped him transition from eating in his room to now regularly enjoying meals at the dining room table with the whole family. They have also been used to have him go shopping and staying by my side .. even when walking down the toy isle or frozen food section (favorite places he used to get side tracked and take off to visit ALONE). Last night we started on the bathing skills. A simple back brush with a puffy scrubber end .. seems so simple why didn't I think of it first ... was his to begin using; a better choice than a washcloth with his delayed small motor skills. You can see from the after picture how proud he is .. even combing his own hair. Little steps .. to big success. Next stop ... transitioning to using a shower. I have no fear of Nathan lagging behind any longer. Praising God always!
That is great news Mrs. Mac. Congrats to you and Nathan both.
Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady
Great news for Nathan..and for you! hey, that's St Lucia in the pic! We celebrated with this tradition when my daughters were young. I still have the wreath they wore on their heads.
Wow. This is going along so well, like a snowball rolling downhill & picking up speed. :) How wonderful for you and for Nathan to be having this experience. So good for you both. Bet this is a big motivator in self esteem for him, too.
Sending you hugs this Advent season.
God is surely providing the keys to Nathans future! I'm so happy for all of you. What a wonderful God we serve!!
It's so wonderful to hear of
Nathan's great progress! God
is so good!
ditto Kathryn's comment! (I don't do voice imitations as well as you, but I can copy! Inside joke - the rest of you.) Barbara
and just to think mrs.mac...i don't know about the states but canada has been trying to get rid of the penny for years.
and just to think how the penny is motivating your gift.
i am so pleased with him!
he is not only a gift from god but he is a TREASURE to YOU and the family!..love terry
God is so good!
How Nathan must enjoy all the new ways to enjoy a day....its good to hear. Warmest wishes for a beautiful and blessed Christmas to you & your family!
Sometimes I am SO amazed at how self absorbed I have become. I can only seem to focus on MY stuff going on and I forget that other people have their own challenges. So glad that you are seeing such amazing progress in Nathan! It must warm your heart to see him moving forward and accomplishing things that the rest of us take for granted! Have a wonderful Christmas my friend!
every step forward is huge ... ! i'm happy for you guys ...
just popping by with a (hug)! and i'm so relieved that the scarf bible finally quit it's touring and decided to land ... yay!
YAY! to both of you!!! Him for growing up, you for using your smarts!
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