I'm writing this journal entry in response to
Dr. Boucher's request. She is a gifted occupational therapist that has given me much encouragement over the past year in regard to my son, Nathan, the possessor of an extra chromosome.
This post is stretching the limits of my brain power having to think so far back. But with a little quite time, I am going to recall a most interesting period in my life.
I had been married to the Mr. for about eleven years; had three beautiful children being home schooled ... all was well. One day I perceived (I assume from the Lord) that there was yet one more child for us to raise. Specifically, a boy with special needs. Not knowing what to do with this so called enlightened information, I mentioned it a few times to a select few and tucked the message away in my heart.
When you are a Christian home schooling family, prayer time can be very spontaneous having everyone's attention all day. My children were no different from other kids in asking for us to add another child to our family. Hubby dear was not too keen. The children became rather pesky about the topic so I mentioned that Dad's heart was closed to the idea. Perhaps they should pray that God would soften his heart.
Fast forward five years: Now I'm hear to warn you, don't assign prayers to children unless you expect them to be answered!" Pray and pray they did. And guess what! God answered their prayers. We were expecting our fourth child .. me being 38 and hubby 45; not exactly spring chickens, eh?
The blessed day arrived and our son, Nathan, was born. Off in the corner of the delivery room I overheard a nurse mention something about Down syndrome. Being groggy I pushed the notion out the window. However, the truth of the matter he has down syndrome. I immediately had a flashback to the day I had a (message) notion about being the mom of a boy with special needs.
If you're wondering why I did not know our son had DS before he was born, here's my response. Children are a great heritage from the Lord; all children, not just some children. Each has worth. I did not have any invasive genetic testing done during my pregnancy. If children are a gift from God, then why on earth would I jeopardize a life.
We'll take what we get was our view about being pregnant later in life.
Would I change anything today? Is life easy for our family? To these two questions I'll answer NO.
Is our life enriched and blessed? Do we as a family have more empathy for the afflicted? Has God used our son as a witness that all human life has value? Our resounding answer is YES!
(Photos: top ~ Nathan age 3, bottom ~ Nathan age 13)For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:13-16 NIV