The past four weeks have zipped by with barely a chance to catch my breath. First hubby was home for three weeks, then a long lost girl friend flew in from Texas for a week to catch up on fifteen years worth of our lives. Last time we visited, our now grown children were toddling around in diapers. Time has a way of standing still in one's mind ... but oh its effect on the body is something left only for the imagination. She, of course, looks fabulous at 50. I, of course, must have put on twenty-five pounds and, well, after four children, look a bit different. Today was supposed to be a 'day off' ... but my youngest had a rough night and little sleep ... so did I. So it wasn't really a day off after all.
This year for Thankgiving I'm taking the day off ;) ... to be exact ... we're eating out. With Elizabeth having to work that day, I would have been doing all the cooking (and a lot of the clean up) ... so we're heading to the Coeur D' Alene Resort for their sumptuous feast. Ann put up a stink about our home not smelling like her grandma's kitchen ... but she was out numbered. ... maybe I can find a pumpkin spice candle to burn, eh?
"Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold."
unknown author