I'm ironing to beat the heat! You heard me right IRONING. Well, down in the basement it's so nice and cool ... every time I have to make a trip down there I like to linger a bit to cool off ... so I set up the ironing board today and emptied out the basket in no time ;0). This is only the second time this year that it's been completely empty. Now if I could just invent a device to move the basement's cool air upstairs in the summer months I'd be a gazillionnaire in no time.
She's skilled in the crafts of home and hearth,
diligent in homemaking.
From Proverbs 31 (Message Bible)
From Proverbs 31 (Message Bible)
Dear Mrs. Mac...You are a good girl!
I mean how many people iron these days?
I have a an American sister in law, Lois[Teddy's wife] who lives in Iowa. She is always ironing. I will never forget how nice my brother looked compared to all the other men. He always had a nicely ironed shirt and even his pants had perfect creases in them. He always looked so good, but that never made me iron Bernie's shirts. Sure they dripped and dried! For sure and I am one lazy wife, as far as laundry is concerned...Love Terry
Hello to another ironer! Lol It is lovely to see the clothes basket empty is it not?
Thanks for those kind words on my blog. Dieting is just plain hard but Im determined!
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