"These happy golden years are passing by, these happy golden years." Laura Ingalls Wilder

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A New Boy

Hallelujah!  Nathan is now in the school mode.  We had an uneventful morning.  He was pleasant ... ate in the kitchen with his family ... walked to the car without assistance :) Disneyland may have been one big OVERLOAD to his senses .. especially being there for two days!  But you can see from the above pic that he enjoyed riding the Casey Jr. train ride ... even sat in the monkey car:)


Cindy said...

That's good news. I hope the rest of his week, and yours, goes well.

Pat said...

Just like the song says..
What a difference a day makes, 24 little hours..

Felisol said...

I think Nathan has had the time of his life in Disneyland.
I never saw him happier. Now he's adjusting to everyday life.
Aren't we all a bit moody when the fun is over?
I think the vacation has made him a happier and stronger boy.

Saija said...

just got caught up on your disney vacation ... and Nathan's world ... so glad that he is back to routine ...

my cousin, who is 20 years old and autistic has so many hurdles to overcome daily ... and so does his mom & dad!

(hugs) and blessings on ya! glad you got to see green grass in the middle of winter!!! i loved that too while in AZ!!!

Kathryn said...

Glad things are returning to "normal" for you. I think everyone has problems returning, for Nathan they're just more concrete & need more pushing up hill to get over! :)

Hope the rest of your week is smooth.

Amrita said...

Ph yes he looks mighty happy

Jim said...

Welcome back to Idaho, M&M. This isn't Kansas anymore. And Nathan, now you will have lots to tell the kids, all about Disneyland.
Thanks for bringing my snow, Ms. Snow Queen. :)
I left you a note at the Sisters.

Crown of Beauty said...

Oh dear Cathy,
This is a good post, another one so full of promise for Nathan, and for you.

Hopefully he will remember all the changes that he is going through...and will feel good about it.

I am really praying for Nathan that he will overcome some of the fears that keep him from trying out new things.

May this year bring him plenty of positive experiences.


Terry said...

dear mrs. mac...isn't that little gift turning into a real little gentleman?
you are indeed very rich mrs. mac!!
and nathan is loved by us all!
and pretty soon it will be his birthday!!..love terry

and pretty soon, in the same month it will be crown of beauty's birthday!

Maggie Ann said...

He looks like a very happy boy for sure...=)

Constance said...

What a sweet face! He may march to a different drummer but you recognize his tune!

Jim said...

Thank you M&M, for your nice comment today about the homeless.
Yes, there are things we can do to ease their grief.
One thing I do is take a turn at serving a Friday noon meal at our Salvation Army once a month. Our church cooks the meal and serve it.
Mrs. Jim and I help with homeless families in our county along with other church members. They stay in our church one week every 15 months. We feed them, transport them, etc. Mrs. Jim and I are fairly regular in spending a night of that week in the churc with them.
The goal is to help them find jobs and tranportation so they can get back on their feet and have a home again. Sometimes this involve attending classes at a local college or even getting a GED.
Salvation Army posts
Family Promise Web site of the national organization for helping the homeless families.
I hope this isn't sounding my own horn. Just a couple of things some of us are involved in here, there are many more ways.