As seen in my local op-ed pages this past Sunday:
PC: 'Turkey Day' a bone in the Gullet ... "On Nov. 27 our nation will look back on its history, look around the table and celebrate Thanksgiving. But not the folks at the bank in the Prairie Shopping Center. Their billboard substitutes the words "Turkey Day" for this national holiday. I called and asked why. The answer: Using the word "Thanksgiving" might be offensive to someone. Their preference is to substitute the commonly consumed main dish for the name of the holiday. What's next, Happy Boxed Chocolates Day for Valentine's Day? Happy Fruitcake Day for that other holiday "PC" people shudder to mention? If you think "Happy Turkey Day" is more of an insult than "Thanksgiving," please let all food-naming-substituting businesses in town know that North Idahoans are still in favor of gratitude on November 27." by: A.H. CDA Press 11/23/08 Coeur d'Alene
How utterly ridiculous this is!!!
On the News we get to hear "Happy Yom Kippur, Happy Ramadan, Happy Kwanza and Happy Rosh Hashannah" But it's now PC in these here United States to greet one another with "Happy Turkey Day and Happy Holidays!!!" Not "Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas???" And they are things this Nation celebrates...We've gone mad!
it is very sad....:(
never heard that one before! someone being offended by "thanksgiving" ... what an odd thing, eh ...
Dear Mrs. fighting Mac,
You are so very right.
Thanksgiving should be celebrated with its right name. I think the Norwegian Bible praise God as the giver of all good gifts.
This is not about politics; this is about our common right and obligation to thank who thanks deserve.
Honestly I don't even get the problem.
In the country who declares freedom of faith both thanksgiving and Christmas should be celebrated with joy.
Who ever believes differently is free to do so.
Meanwhile we are free to even evangelize on streets and roads.
From Felisol
The radicals, self appointed guardians of our culture, are in fact destroying it. No law that I know of requires or even encourages PC. It is an invention of the media and embrassed by those that do not respect our culture nor history, but choose to alter it.
word verification: "amisse"
...something is definitely
"amisse-ing" if you refer to Thanksgiving as Turkey Day...
In words that are totally not PC...this is STUPID. By calling it Turkey Day, they think it removes the possiblity of giving thanks to God, which we all know is on the top of the not pc list. I bet your paper got tons of lettters on this one-at least I hope they did!
I'm with you!
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