"These happy golden years are passing by, these happy golden years." Laura Ingalls Wilder

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Dentist Visit

There's just nothing "routine" about taking my youngest son, Nathan, to the doctor or dentist (age 11 and possessor of an extra chromosome)! He's just plain a handful, armful, bodyful ... Today I took him for his dental visit. I had his pediatrician recommend a pediatric dentist office with all the bells and whistles. Now days that consists of TV's embedded in the ceilings to watch whilst reclined in the exam chair, Playstation 2 games in the lobby and a myriad of other mind numbing gadgets to relieve some of the nervous stress. Unfortunately, none of these things were strong enough medicine to entice my wee man and off he ran back through the security doors and to a corner of the waiting room. He weighs roughly 50 lbs, and I weigh (blah, blah, blah, eh, um) ... a lot more than that! I couldn't muster enough strength to coerce him back to the new room (this one with a locked door and with sound proof walls) ... It was here that we placed him on a padded board with a Velcro body blanket to hold him still for the exam. It's six PM and I need a Calgon moment, hot tea, and a cd of soothing music. Dh so owes me big time for this expedition!


Arlene - BY HIS STRIPES!!! said...

Bless your heart! I'll pray for you.

Gina said...

With a four year old-- I relate. Calgon indeed!

Pat said...

Your an extrodinary woman .. your family is blessed. Sometimes when I go to the dentist I feel exactally the same way as Nathan..and even more so when I get the bill!!
Hope you had your calgon moment - that tub sounds like the perfect place to relax and re-energize for the next day. How's my room looking?
Now on collecting from DH ~ make it good!

Constance said...

Dental visits are hard enough on any kid, heck, grown ups too! When our 24 year old daughter was in Jr High and had to get braces, we had to have them put her to sleep so they could pull the stubborn, remaining baby teeth, Ay Yi Yi

PS thanks for stopping by and telling me where you are. In Idaho, we've been looking at the Soda Springs area.

Jada's Gigi said...

Yike! definitly sounds like someone owes you big! I don't envy you your job, that's for sure..:)

Terry said...

Dear Mrs. Mac...I have tried to email you but it keeps coming back. I have to go now but will write when I get back...Love Terry

Maggie Ann said...

Wow...what an experience...your Dh does owe you big time...smile.

Bill said...

Wow, the frustrations of parenthood. Hang in there. Is there anything that I can pray for specifically?

Michelle said...

Ugh, I have a feeling we're heading that way too. I took Kayla to the dentist once and it was so frustrating! There was no explaining to her that they are just going to look in her mouth, she was fighting the whole time and wouldn't calm down. I know they're going to have to put her out to do any type of cleaning. Sounds like they used a papoose for him? That almost seems just as traumatizing though. How did he do with being strapped down?

Mrs. Mac said...

Michelle ... I'm going to try giving him a sedative next time ... the papoose worked OK ... but he was very frightened (and he's been to the dentist every six months since way back when). This dentist used a metal gadget (looked like mouth forceps - yikes) ... previous dentist office (at UCLA) used a dense foam board gadget ... way more kid friendly to pry open the mouth.